Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween fun

Olivia has an aversion to looking at the camera and smiling at the same time. Here she is with a cheesy smile and eyes closed.
Eyes closed again-at least she is facing the camera.

What is she looking at?????

At least I got a good picture of the glass slippers I found at the Disney store and paid way too much money for-especially in our economy!!

My little turtle.

So we are lame and didn't carve a pumpkin this year-definitely next year. We were glad that we made a Jack-o-lantern at Tenille's birthday party. Olivia was so sad when we had to throw it away.

William and Olivia-She finally looks at the camera and he looks at her.
Will and Jolisa
I can't believe Halloween has come and gone. I kept thinking I was going to change my background to a fall theme, but never got around to doing it. Maybe I will do it right know! We still have Thanksgiving right!?

Halloween was fun. Olivia was Cinderella and Will was a turtle. We hit the neighborhood trick or treating and then went to Heidi and Ross's ward party/trunk or treat. Olivia had a fun time. She loved her costume and looked so cute. As you can see she REFUSES to LOOK at the camera. Will roasted in his turtle costume, but looked cute. It is weird that it is still so warm here. I miss the fall colors of Nebraska, Utah and Idaho. Perpetual vacation weather is fun, but strange at the same time. It was nice not to be freezing and bundled up on Halloween. There are always pros and cons I have decided.
I don't blog a much because I am too busy reading everybody else's blogs! It is hard to find the time to do my own. It is so fun to see what everyone is up to!

We are coming to Idaho for Thanksgiving. I can't wait! We are excited to see everyone.